Domingo Sarrey

Domingo Sarrey (Santander, Cantabria, Spain 1948) is a visual artist and video artist and a European video art pioneer.[1]

His first video art piece was generated in the Computing Centre of Madrid Complutense University in 1968, while studying physics,[2] although he had already carried out other cinematic creations in 8 mm. Since 1960, he has collaborated with important international artists in video and installations, such as Marcel Odembach, Peter Newman, Laurie Anderson, Wolf Vostell, Nan June Paik, as well as with Spanish artists Concha Jerez, Pedro Gahrel, Angel Orcajo, Salvador Victoria, Eva Lootz, Paloma Navares, J.A. Lleó J.R. da Cruz, and L.E. Aute.

He was the first artist in creating and exhibiting a multi-vision with six projectors, “PANORAMA 78”, in the MEAC (Spanish Contemporary Art Museum) in 1978. Other works such as “Villa María”, “The Factory”, “Words”, “Radio Broadcast”, “Reading”, etc., were produced between 1972 and 1982, and were exhibited as the first manifestations of video-art as an artistic medium in some of the most renowned galleries, art centres, and institutions (Museo de Bellas Artes de Santander 1978, Galería Juana Mordó, 1979, Rompeolas, 1982, Espacio P (de Pedro Gardel) 1982, Casa de Velázquez,1982, Instituto Alemán1 1983, Liceo Francés 1983, Fundación Juan March 1984, Alphaville "Circuitos de Video", 1984, Centro Nicolás Salmerón, 1986, Centro de Arte Reina Sofía etc.).

In 1983 he achieves a grant from the Ministry of Culture for his video Latidos Urbanos (“Urban Heartbeats”) under the category of New Contributions to the Visual Arts. In the Juan March Foundation in 1985 he released the series “Music and New Technologies”, the first videos integrally programmed with domestic computers (PCs), “RND-Draw”, “Interactivity”, etc. In 1985, he releases “Urban Labyrinths”, the first exhibition of a video artist in video and photography which is carried out by a museum (MEAC). This exhibition was taken to United States and presented in several universities (Columbia, NY, Washington, Virginia, etc.) and in several other cultural centres in Spain and United States. He is the first video artist that releases a video in the Prado Museum, “Carlos III and the Illustration”, 1988, before the Spanish Queen. Presently he works in advanced electronic image applications for installation and video art and continues his collaborations with other artists.


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